Welcome to the EuroGEO Action Group on the Green Deal Data Space (GDDS) that is one of the EuroGEO action groups
Initial list of projects and activities participating
"Sister projects" financed by DG research to develop the GDDS
AD4GD project - AllData4GreenDeal (Joan Masó, CREAF) (CORDIS Sheet)
The aim is Integrate standard data sources (e.g. Insitu, RS, CitSci, IoT, AI) in the GDDS, improve semantic interperability, and demonstrate with concrete examples that climate change zero pollution, biodiversity general problems can be solved.
FAIRiCUBE project - F.A.I.R. Information Cubes (Stefan Jetschny, NILU) (CORDIS Sheet)
The core objective is to enable players from beyond classic Earth Observation domains to provide, access, process, and share gridded data and algorithms in a FAIR and TRUSTable manner. We are creating the FAIRiCUBE HUB, a crosscutting platform and framework for data ingestion, provision, analysis, processing, and dissemination, to unleash the potential of environmental, biodiversity and climate data through dedicated European data spaces.
USAGE project - Urban Data Space for Green Deal (Oscar Corcho, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid) (CORDIS Sheet)
It will provide solutions for making city-level data (Earth Observation, Internet of Things, authoritative and crowdsourced data) available, based on FAIR principles: innovative governance mechanisms, standard-based structures and services, AI-based tools, semantics-based solutions, and data analytics. It will provide decision makers with effective, interoperable tools to address environmental and climate changes-related challenges.
B3 Biodiversity Building Blocks for Policy Making (Quinten Grome, Meise Botanic Garden) (CORDIS Sheet)
Global biodiversity is changing under multiple pressures including climate change, invasive species and land-use change. Yet biodiversity data are complex and heterogeneous, making it difficult to understand what is happening fast enough for decision makers to react with evidence-based policies. To solve this B³ will create Open workflows in a cloud computing environment to rapidly and repeatedly generate policy relevant indicators and models of biodiversity change.
Other projects financed by other DG's to implement data spaces
SAGE - The Data Space for a Sustainable Green Europe (DIGITAL Simple Grants) (Richard Stevens, IDC) (CORDIS Sheet)
SAGE will establish a fully operational Green Deal Data Space (GDDS) aimed at enhancing the accessibility, integration, and utilization of green and environmental data across the EU to support key pillars of the European Green Deal—Zero Pollution, Climate Adaptation, Biodiversity, and the Circular Economy Action Plan. SAGE's outcomes include seamlessly integrating fragmented environmental data through federation, enriching data with consistent quality, validation, and interoperable metadata, and enhancing capabilities for data transformation, processing, analysis, forecasting, target setting, and performance monitoring.
GREAT - The Green Deal Data Space Foundation and its Community of Practice (Preparatory Action) (Richard Stevens, IDC) (Project Sheet)
Funded by the Digital Europe program, aims to establish the Green Deal Data Space Foundation and its Community of Practice which builds on both the European Green Deal and the EU’s Strategy for Data. The project will deliver a roadmap for implementing and deploying the Green Deal Data Space, an infrastructure that will allow data providers and initiatives to openly share their data to tackle climate change in a multidisciplinary manner.
Data Spaces Support Center (DSSC) (participated by IDSA https://internationaldataspaces.org/ and Gaia-X https://www.data-infrastructure.eu/) (Project Sheet)
The project will set up and operate a Support Centre to operationalize the European Strategy for Data. This DSSC will facilitate common data spaces that collectively create an interoperable data sharing environment, to enable data reuse within and across sectors, fully respecting EU values, and contributing to the European economy and society.
Other projects by EC research contributing to the GDDSs
Please contact us at joan [dot] maso [at] ieee [dot] org requesting to be added to the action group email list. You can also request that you project is added to this page as a contributor to the GDDS and its action group.