Action Group on the Green Deal Data Space

Welcome to the EuroGEO Action Group on the Green Deal Data Space (GDDS) that is one of the EuroGEO action groups


The Green Deal Data Spaces (GDDS) Action Group focuses on defining how the GDDS could contribute to the Group on Earth Observations (GEO). The group has a multifaceted agenda, including understanding GDDS through current use cases, consolidating various perspectives into a blueprint, exploring avenues for integrating the blueprint into the GEO Work Program and GEO platform, discussing ideas regarding GDDS governance, and outlining future development plans. The ultimate goal is to release a set of recommendations in a concise policy document.


The Green Deal Data Space Action Group was created in the EuroGEO workshop 2022 (November 8th, in Athens). It has participated in several events such as the EuroGEO workshop 2023 (October 3rd, in Bolzano) and the European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2024 (April 16th, in Vienna)


EuroGEO is the Europe’s part of the Group on Earth Observations (GEO), a worldwide network dedicated to collect and share vital information, ranging from satellite images to in-situ measurements, to create a comprehensive view of our planet well-being. The initiative will focus on the following strategic actions: Engaging with a broad range of users in Europe for identifying their needs for EO based services or products, Demonstrating existing EO services and products across Europe, Connecting European EO research communities, service providers and the private sector, contributing to the design of a European digital ecosystem, and supporting the consolidation of national GEOs. The EuroGEO bottom up activities are structured in Action Groups. The GDDS action group is one of the action groups under EuroGEO.

CREAF and AD4GD are hosting the GDDS Action Group website